Do you know how to Improve Indoor Air Quality
Your home is a safe haven and protection against the outside world. But, you may be living among invisible threats – namely airborne microbes, which can cause infection and ill-health. To ensure you live in a clean and comfortable environment, here are a few ways to improve indoor air quality.
1. Use Natural Air Fresheners
Chemical air fresheners may smell nice, but they can also contain harmful toxicants, which will compromise indoor air quality. The safest bet is to go natural, and place a simmering pot of cinnamon and cloves in the room. You can also implement air purifying plants or diffusers, which use essential oils. Some of the fragrant herbal extracts even have medicinal value, so you end up not only making your home smell nice, but improving your health as well.
2. Get an Air Purifier
The air purifier is the most direct solution. When reading china air purifier reviews, pay attention to key metrics such as the Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) rating, types of filters used and the length of warranty. For example, the Oransi V-Max has CADR ratings of 230 and comes with a vacuumable pre-filter, HEPA Air purifier filter and activated carbon filter air purifier. It also has a 10-year warranty – well above industry standards.
3. The Hazards of Moisture
The presence of moisture promotes growth of mold, mildew, dust mites and cockroaches. You need to keep your home not only clean, but dry as well, in order to prevent all these contaminants that may adversely affect the indoor air quality. An air purifier for mold will also help deal with this problem.
4. Limit Indoor Smoke
In the kitchen, you may generate smoke from overheated oil, so keep a well-maintained chimney there. Use unscented, natural, non-toxic candles, and if you use a fireplace, use cured or dried wood. It goes without saying that smoking indoors is a strict “no-no”.
5. Shoes Outside, Please!
Shoes are another great transmitter of dirt and germs. Every time a person steps into the house with their shoes on, millions of germs enter as well, through the mud and dust that adheres to the shoes. Keep a separate set of shoes/slippers to wear while inside the house. You will be surprised how much this can reduce dust accumulation.
6. The Doggies’ Contribution
Another important factor to consider about indoor air quality is the presence of allergens. Havingpets, especially if you have cats or dogs, there are innumerable allergens present in their fur. This is especially prevalent in the winter months, when the house is closed up to keep the cold out. The best solution is to bathe and groom your dog regularly in warm water, and try keeping him out of the bedrooms, if possible.
7. The Fabric Factor
Fabrics are collectors of dust mites and a host of other allergens. The presence of these contaminants can seriously hamper the indoor air quality. In order to keep them at bay, you need to clean all fabrics such as curtains and sofa and chair covers as well as carpets and rugs. While laundering curtains or furniture covers, ensure that you use hot water, as hot as possible, at temperatures above 130°F. Also wash new fabrics well before use, to remove traces of chemicals used to manufacture them. Washing away these chemicals may also extend the life of the fabric.
Now that you have read these handy tips, start trying them out. Even if you are only able to follow half these points, you should be well on your way to having a clean home with good indoor air quality.